Saturday, June 23, 2012


Assalamualaikum & Salam 1 Malaysia.

Ini merupakan topik terakhir dalam bab tatabahasa (grammar) Bahasa Inggeris peringkat sekolah rendah. Dalam BM, topik ini dikenali sebagai tanda bacaan. Hah... mesti dah belajar kat sekolah kan. Tanda bacaan atau punctuation dalam BI hampir serupa dengan BM. Nak tau apa yang berbeza tu? Jom lah baca sampai habis. Kalau baca sekerat2, tak jumpa punya tu.

Dalam Kertas 1 Bahasa Inggeris UPSR, soalan 24 & 25 menguji kemahiran anda mengenali tanda2 bacaan. Terdapat 7 jenis tanda bacaan yang perlu anda kenali dan tahu bila untuk menggunakannya.

-HURUF BESAR digunakan untuk:-
a) Perkataan pertama pada ayat...... sama ngan BM
The new girl smiled when she saw us in the canteen.

b) Nama khas (proper nouns)..... sama ngan BM.
-semua nama orang, tempat, haiwan peliharaan, hari2 dalam seminggu atau bulan2 dalam setahun.
Sumi is organising a supprise birthday party for Hisyam on Saturday, 28th October at 7:30 p.m.

c) Kata ganti diri "I"....... BI sahaja.
My mother and I are going to the wet market at Jalan Nuri every Sunday morning.

2. Full stop [ . ] (tanda noktah)
- tanda noktah digunakan ketika:-
a) Pada akhir ayat ....... sama ngan BM
The doctor told him to take the medicine three times daily

b) After initials (Singkatan nama atau pangkat) ....... sama ngan BM
The Interact Club meeting will be conducted by Mrs. T.S. Cheng.
En. Latif was the former chairman of  Indera Holdings.

c) Abbreviations (singkatan)...... sama ngan BM
-untuk nama2 hari dalam seminggu, bulan dalam setahun, jam. minit atau badan kerajaan / swasta.
W.H.O - World Health organisation
Dec. - December
Fri. - Friday
Hrs. - Hour
Mins. - Minutes

3. Question mark [ ? ] (tanda soal)
-Digunakan pada akhir ayat tanya ..... sama ngan BM
Do you like some butter or jam with your bread?

4. Comma [ , ] (tanda koma)
-Digunakan untuk memisahkan senarai atau pilihan dalam suatu ayat .... sama ngan BM
He puts cheese, radish, onions, ketchup and mustard on his hotdog.

5. Exclamation mark [ ! ] (tanda seru)
- Digunakan untuk menunjukkan perasaan terkejut, takut, marah, sakit, atau teruja.... sama ngan BM.
Stop! There is a snake hiding in the bushes.
Congratulation! I knew you could win the championship.
Ouch! My finger is bleeding.

6. Apostrophe [ ' ] (tanda apostrofe)..... BI sahaja
-Digunakan untuk:-
a) menunjukkan kepunyaan.
That is my sister's bicycle.
My cousin's sandal are very dirty.

b) singkatan kata yang menunjukkan kenyataan negatif atau positif.
is not => isn't
would not => wouldn't
She is => she's
We will => we'll

7. Indent ..........sama ngan BM.
- Ia merupakan jarak sebelum memulakan satu perenggan baru.
(indent)  Yesterday, Anwar made breakfast for hid family. He wanted to surprise them. Therefor, he wake up early to prepare some breakfast.
(indent)  First, he toasted several slices of breads. He put the toasted bread on a plate and cover them. Then, he made an egg omelette. He used four eggs and sprinkle some grated cheese on it. Later, he fry several sausages and preheat two cans of bake bean.
(indent)  Lastly, he squeezed a dozen of oranges and poured the orange juice into a jug. He also prepared two cups of coffee for his parents. Anwar knew his parents like to drink coffee in the morning. A few minutes later, his parents and his sister woke up. His mother was surprise to see the lovely breakfast ready on the table. His family thanked him for his hard work in making such delicious breakfast for them.

So, amacam? Senang bukan cause banyak yang sama ngan BM. Sebelum mami akhiri n3 ni, mamy nak anak2 sekalian cuba buat latihan kat bawah ni. Pas tu, minta guru anda tolong periksakan ya. Mami akan sediakan latihan untuk punctuation kat sidebar nanti. So rujuk kat sana ya.

Practice 1
Rewrite the sentences below using the correct punctuation.
Tulis semula ayat-ayat di bawah dengan menggunakan tanda bacaan yang betul.

mr kumaran has many things to do this sunday morning he asks his son to help him first he drives to the wet market mr kumaran buys vegetables fruits meat and chicken as his son raveen reads the list mrs kumaran has written then mr kumaran and raveen head home they put away the items into the refrigerator next reveen accompanies his father to the car wash near their house they wait as two men wash wipe polish the car and vacuum the inside of the car lastly mr kumaran and his son go to the hardware shop he buys some screw and nails

Good luck!

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