Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Assalamualaikum & Salam 1 Malaysia.

Bila citer pasal preposition ni terasa mascam nak menari pula. Hehehehe.... So, hari ni kita nak bincang pasal topik yang memang menarik dalam tatabahasa BI. Ia dipanggil PREPOSITION.  Jom rujuk jadual dibawah.......

Preposition digunakan sebelum kata nama (nouns) atau kataganti (pronouns) untuk menunjukkan keberadaan atau tempat (place / location), pergerakan (movement) dan masa (time). Ia juga digunakan untuk merujuk bila sesuatu perkara itu berlaku. Hehehehe... pening? Tak pe kita rungkai satu persatu.

Preposition of place (keberadaan)

a) The ball is under the table.
b) The book is on the table.
c) The flower is in the vase.
d) The wall clock is against the wall.
e) The lamp is between the vase and the book.
f) The cat is beside the arm chair.

Preposition of movement (pergerakan)

Prepositions of time (masa)

1. Encik Azman gets up at 6.30 in the morning
2. The concert held on Saturday at 7 p.m.
3. She was born in 1960.
4. I will be there in five minutes.
5. Puan Rahimah worked there for fifteen years.

Selamat mengulangkaji..........

1 comment:

Salina Mat Isa said...

Wah blh bljr bi kt sini ye..thank untk pndpt dn nsihat pnjng lebar kt entry sy td..

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