Sunday, April 3, 2011


Ever heard of this? Its in Spanish means "my house is your house". In old days, people care each other a great deal until relatives or friend or even other villagers who comes to their house they would say.., "please make yourself at home".

This shows how tight the relationship between families or even neighbours. Do we have that now? Some of our children don't even recognize their own grand-uncle or grand-aunt or maybe their own cousins. All they have is their parents, siblings or maybe their grandparents and their friends. The rest of it is history.

Neighbours? Forget about them. Most of us don't even know who's living next door. We sometimes forget to smile when eventually meet our neighbours by chance. We are so busy with our world until we forgot how wonderfull life would be if we know each other better.

Who knows.., by knowing everybody aound us we could open up bussiness opportunity. Make some profit of it like a side income. Hey.., this simple things is a start to a bigger dream. Just think about it.


rasp said...

soooo many gruesome incidents had occured that makes it hard on us to turst people nowadays...
not like the old days kan...

Ummu Ukasyah said...

Assalammualaikum.. jom join..

Unknown said...

rasp... yeah you're absolutely right. In some cases, its involving life.

Ummu Ukasyah.., walaikumsalam. Terima kasih sebab jemput akak. Sat akak tengok ye.

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